WELCOME! I'm very happy you've found your way to my blog where I post some of the interesting things I've found in my travels and that I'm offering for sale. I hope you find something you'd love to live with - something that inspires you or makes you smile.
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris

Sunday, January 19, 2014

If I Ran The Circus - Dr. Suess First Edition, 1956

If I Ran the Circus, First Edition, 1956 by Geisel (Dr. Suess).  No dust jacket.  All other books like this that I've found and published this year have a different cover. If anyone has any information about this book, please contact me.  I'm curious.


  1. Did you ever find anything out on this book?

  2. Hi Darby - no I did not! Was just thinking about it today and looked back at this blog post to see the images. It's packed away somewhere - I'm still so curious about it.
